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Dance performance


avec Quatuor Debussy, Lora Juodkaite (dance)

— GORECKI Henryk
Quartet n°1, Already it is dusk (1988)

The Quatuor Debussy presents a new work by Rachid Ouramdane from January 2023, set to music by Henryk Górecki, Quatuor n°1 Already it is Dusk, composed in 1988. A single movement lasting almost 17 minutes, it focuses on twilight themes. First performed at the Théâtre de Chaillot, this program continues to tour at various events.
This musical journey is accompanied by the whirling dance of Lora Juodkaite, a Lithuanian dancer renowned for her innate ability to turn on herself relentlessly. A figure of gyration, she turns this piece into a trance for the audience. An incessant, fascinating whirling that’s not about to stop.

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